Welcome to Los Angeles

Well, we made it here just fine… Uneventful trip up to the airport…. Security was a cinch there, so no biggie. We made it in plenty of time, so we had a 2.5 hour wait at the airport. Kinda wish I hadn’t eaten a couple sandwiches on the bus, because that pizza looked gooood. The plane ride was just as uneventful. Most of the choir was seated together and we actually had room to stretch legs. I slept for an hourish on the plane, so that helped a bit when we arrived in LA at around 1am central time. Baggage was returned very quickly and our bus was waiting outside. I secured the jump-seat in the front stairwell for myself and viewed the city on the way to our hotel from the driver’s perspective. I actually got to help him with the MapQuest directions… but we did make it here (to the hotel) on our first shot.

Yes, the hotel is tiny, and the rooms are pretty small themselves. The beds are nice, soft and queen-sized. Comfy, but they take up the whole room. About two feet between the side of my bed and the windows, and 4 feet from the foot of the beds to the wall make for not much room to stow our luggage.

There’s also “technically” a wireless access point around here somewhere. Of course I can’t reach it from my bed, but I can from the desk two feet away. Hopefully we can get the real, wired Internet running in here in the next day or so.

Well, my plan was to ride the subways with Dr. Rodde at 9:30…. but it’s almost 8 and I’m wide awake. Guess I’ll go find something to occupy my time with.

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